About the Picture
Schlegal wrote in the fragments that: ‘Morality without a sense of paradox is vulgar’ (Schlegal, Ideas, 76).
The judgement being passed here through the lenses of the German expressionist artists Otto Dix and George Grosz, is that:
for one to experience a sense of moral outrage, one must first have thought the sin themselves. In the warehouses, loading
bays and stock rooms live a motley cast of characters. It is not only the bourgeoisie who stand in line for social criticism.
A fat ghost encourages a young boy's lust, as he vainly throws out the snake in his bucket: his double, the serpent boss coils
under the sheets of an old tabloid. The man in his bow tie turns on an axis with a skeletal partner. Ignoring everything
stands a gaggle of slothful workers, taking an endless coffee break. Warming all their souls the dragon-vase breaths fire
into the machine-room. A businessman rushes through the scene, his wristwatch transformed into a gormless fish. Everyone
working here, lord, serf or slave, is torn ironically between productivity and inactivity, need and abstinence, control and
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