About the Picture
This is the only genuinely automatic drawing on the site, the result of a repetitive scribbling action; the image appeared
as if by magic from the cloud of graphite. The two faces of the God fail to look forward and back simultaneously: time here
is stuck. Looking nostalgically into the past, he has raised his mask, wearing it as a hat that looks idealistically upwards
into impotent idealism. The token teddy bear of childhood hangs like a shrunken head from a tribal headdress, but it is too
cute to scare anyone. I'm tempted to once more quote Kierkegaard's aesthetic persona: "Time passes, life is a stream,
etc., so people say. That is not what I find: time stands still, and so do I. All the plans I project fly straight back
at me; when I want to spit, I spit in my own face." (Kierkegaard)
Click on the image to see the picture in more detail.