David Alexander Smith's Paintings and Drawings

Back to the Old House

Gallery 1: Drawings
Gallery 2: Drawings
Gallery 3: Paintings
Gallery 4: Paintings
Gallery 5: Paintings
Gallery 6: Paintings
Gallery 7: Paintings
Gallery 8: New Drawings

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Back to the Old House 2005
Acrylic on board 10.5x15 cm

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About the Picture

The picture deals with memory. The old house is the house of childhood. Lollipop trees stand on each corner of its courtyard: a gingerbread house straight out of the pages of a fairy tale. Like Hansel and Gretel as adults lost in the wild woods of maturity we look upon the sweet yet sinister innocence of our youth. A prehistoric fish stands fossilised on a plinth. We can only ever view those formative years as we view the strangest creatures mounted in glass cases in the Natural History Museum: another place that stirs memories for me. An ancient eye stares from the house's walls; it sees everything. The title of the painting refers to a song by The Smiths: Are you still there? Or have you moved away? I would love to go back to the old house, but I never will.

Click on the image to see the picture in more detail.